Take part in research on job-seeking experiences for women over 50

We’re looking for interviewees to share their experiences for a study on job-seeking among women aged 50+.

woman shopping for food

Study Information

With your help, this study seeks to better understand how women aged 50+ in the UK today are navigating the transition into paid work after unemployment or time away from the labour market for other reasons, such as caregiving. We aim to find out how these experiences are shaped by key life events in women’s pasts and might vary by certain characteristics, like skill level.


To be eligible, you must:

  • Be a woman aged 50+
  • Be looking for paid work while not employed

You are eligible to take part whether you’re still looking for work, have recently found a job, or have stopped job-hunting for other reasons, such as early retirement.

You are not eligible to take part if you are/were employed during your job search.

What’s involved in the study

One interview lasting around 1-2 hours at a date, time, and location of your choice. The interview can be online or in person, it’s up to you.

What you’ll get for taking part

Participants will get £15 for their time and any expenses.

You’ll also be helping researchers to better understand the specific experiences of women in moving back into paid work during their 50s and 60s. Most research to date has focused on younger age groups or men over 50.

Your participation can inform policies that better support the specific needs of women experiencing unemployment and re-employment in their 50s and 60s. Your participation can also increase awareness among employers about some of the barriers women aged 50+ might face in finding work, so they can address these.

It might also help other women going through this transition to hear about your experiences.


All information will be treated in the strictest confidence and stored in accordance with current UK data protection legislation. As a participant, you’ll have access to your data on request.1

Your name and any other identifying information will never be disclosed or identifiable in any presentation or publication of the research.

How to sign up

If you’re interested in taking part, please click the button below and fill in the questionnaire to register your interest (approx. 10-15 minutes). All the information received will be treated in the strictest confidence. We’ll get back to you within two weeks.


If you have any questions about this study, please contact the lead researcher, Dr Helen Kowalewska, via email at hk775@bath.ac.uk.

1 This study has been reviewed and given a favourable opinion by the University of Bath Social Science Research Ethics Committee [ref4885-7593].

Helen Kowalewska
Lecturer/Assistant Professor

Lecturer/Assistant Professor at the University of Bath with interests in comparative social policy, gender and employment.